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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What's in your genes?

I'm always curious when someone says ' they have good genes'. Not of the demin variety either I'm thinking....although they might have that too. So what does having good genes mean? It seems to be something different for everyone. The teeny tiny girl wishes she had more height genes, the really tall girl wants shorter genes. The girl with curves wishes she was less like J Lo and more like Gisele. The girl who is straight up and down, wishes she had curves.
So is it a matter of good genes vs bad genes or just that we aren't happy with what we've got?
Well here's some jeans to make you happy - good genes or bad. The black jeans are almost like pants. They are tailored and straight leg and hug the right places while slimming hips ( I own a pair - the jeans and hips!) The blue pair are a more casual denim but with great stretch and the denim is so soft it's like wearing your jimmy jams out the house! Eighth Sin make amazing jeans - to work with your genes!

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