Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 5.30pm and Sunday 11am to 3pm
Shop 8 & 9, 575 - 577 Canning Hwy, Alfred Cove 6154
08 9317 7744

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Fashion Flashback

Husband and I shared our 6th wedding anniversary last week. Other than the obvious thoughts back to our wedding and the great party, it also got me thinking about how much has changed in the 9 years we've been together. And then I started thinking about all the fashions Al has seen me go through. Before you read on, here's a warning - they are bad!
Hot pink cowboy hats...worn out...in public. I blame Madonna circa Music and American Pie remake.
See through white blouses with coloured bras. I thought I looked like Carrie Bradshaw. I didn't.
Very very thin eyebrows. I have no one to blame but myself for those.
So the question is - will these fashions or trends ever come back? Most likely but we'll call them something else. Here are some current examples -
MC Hammer Pants ( you all know what I'm talking about). Now called Harem Pants - very exotic with not a hint of multi-coloured rapper pants in sight.
Disco Pantsuits - think 70's Saturday Night Fever. Jumpsuits have been reinvented for winter in every luxurious and decadent fabric...silk, wool, jersey...

Seriously hoping my hot pink cowboy hat never comes back into fashion - I did throw that one out!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Things I have learnt....

Women shop differently to men. My husband says I generalise a lot - which is true. But I think this statement is fairly accurate. It seems to be easier for men to shop than women - despite the fact that as the fairer sex, our choices and styles are far more varied and colourful.
Here's an example. I bought a dress for a wedding the other week (Sabatini in store now). I agonised over it - did it make my stomach stick out? Did my ample backside look...ampler? The whole process took me an hour - for one dress. Last weekend Al ( husband) and I went shopping for him. 2 pairs of jeans and 4 shirts later and he was done - in an hour! But other than the time, the other obvious thing - no questions about how things looked or needing to look in the mirror at every angle. Just grabbed the right size, threw it on just to check the size then purchase.
So imagine shopping like that? No wishing we were taller/shorter, slimmer/curvier, bustier/bustless.....but then, where would the fun be in that?!